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About Us

Who We Are

We are your neighbors and concerned citizens who treasure Agua Fria National Monument and want to be sure that its important and sensitive resources are sufficiently protected.

What We Do

In these days of limited funding and resources, we play an important role in assisting the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) with critical support for Monument activities. We work with the BLM to be sure that the monument receives the protection it deserves. We organize outings and perform service projects on the monument, such as:
        • Monitoring trails and cultural resources
        • Removing non-native plant species
        • Performing trash pickups
        • Recording rock art
        • Monitoring natural resources by conducting citizen-science projects 

We also act as stewards and advocates for the monument, working to ensure that it receives the highest level of protection possible.

Our Mission

The FAFNM is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes; more specifically to protect, preserve, and promote appreciation and enjoyment of the ecological, archaeological, scenic, and scientific resources and values of the Agua Fria National Monument.

Friends of Agua Fria National Monument

P.O. Box 290

Black Canyon City, AZ  85324

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Friends of Agua Fria National Monument

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