Mary Grant President | Vice President | Tim Flood Secretary | Mary Hoadley Treasurer |
Linn Williams Director At Large | Robert Cothern Director At Large | Connie Stone Director At Large | Jim Riggs Director At Large |
Biographies |
Mary Grant | Bio Here |
Tim Flood | Long time Phoenix resident, Tim Flood has been an active volunteer with FAFNM since its origins in 2001. His main area of interest is riparian conservation, and he currently heads the Water Team – a subgroup within the Natural Resources Committee. Major activities include organizing the annual (June) Wet-Dry mapping of the Agua Fria River, and organizing the summertime surveys for Yellow-billed cuckoo on the AFNM. Dr. Flood retired in 2022 from the Arizona Department of Health Services after a career in the epidemiology of chronic disease. He has served FAFNM in several board positions, and currently is the board secretary. Other volunteer organizations in which he participates include the Arizona Riparian Council, the Sierra Club, and local Audubon chapters. |
Mary Hoadley | Hoadley, a Connecticut native, after completing a BA at Stanford University, worked at Arcosanti from 1970 until 2020. The Agua Fria bisects Arcosanti with 1.8 miles out of 2.5 miles perennial, north of the Agua Fria National Monument. She worked with ADWR in 1999 to establish the Upper Agua Fria Watershed Partnership which has been meeting monthly ever since to steward the quantity and quality of Agua Fria water and the health of the watershed. Currently, the UAFWP is developing the Green Ribbon Project to encourage a constituency to protect and conserve the Agua Fria. Hoadley has served on the Central AZ Land Trust Board, currently sits on the Black Canyon Heritage Park Board and serves as Treasurer for the FAFNM. |
Robert Cothern | Bio Here |
Linn Williams |
Linn Williams moved to Arizona in 2019 after completing her Masters in Ecology from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). She was originally only meant to stay for a 3-month long landscaping internship at Arcosanti, but she decided to stay on. Since then, she has been employed by the Cosanti Foundation as land stewardship manager. Linn has developed and oversees an ecological restoration project at Arcosanti, focusing on removing invasive species and revegetating the Agua Fria's riparian habitat. In her free time, Linn loves to knit, explore, and go on walks with her senior chihuahua.
Connie Stone | After earning a Ph.D. in Anthropology from Arizona State University, Connie Stone joined the Bureau of Land Management as an archaeologist in the Phoenix District. She became very familiar with Perry Mesa and the Agua Fria National Monument, serving as the AFNM archaeologist for several years, and also as the acting monument manager. Connie served as one of the planning team leaders for the preparation of the resource management plan. Following her retirement in 2012, she became more active in the Friends of the AFNM and currently serves as the chair for the Cultural Resources Committee. She also oversees the historical archives of the Public Lands Foundation. |