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Visit the Monument

The 70,900-acre Agua Fria National Monument is located approximately 40 miles north of downtown Phoenix and is on the doorstep of the communities of Black Canyon City and Cordes Junction. The area is marked by a high semi-desert mesa, shaped by volcanic processes and the Agua Fria River.

BLM Agua Fria National Monument Information

Map of Agua Fria National Monument


The two “main” access points onto the Agua Fria National Monument are off I-17 freeway:

1)  Badger Springs I-17 exit go east to visit the Badger Springs Trailhead. The road is gravel and passable most days of the year by car or truck.

2)  Bloody Basin I-17 exit go east on Bloody Basin Road. The road quickly becomes dirt road and can be driven by higher clearance vehicles on most days of the year but 4 wheel drive is recommended. Note during harsh weather this road might become dangerous or unmanageable to travel. Locations to visit include Black Mesa, Perry Mesa, Pueblo La Plata Site.

The Eastern section of the monument is also accessible by four wheel drive vehicles traveling north on Forest Road 14 and turning west onto Bloody Basin Road. Locations to visit include the remote approach to Perry Mesa Region.

The Northern section of Agua Fria National Monument is accessible from the Cordes Lakes Community. Take East Stagecoach trail to South Cordes Lakes Dr to East Quail Run dr onto 3m ranch rd (pavement ends and the road becomes dirt/gravel). Locations to visit from this area are Riverbend Recreation Area , School House Site and Teskey Home Site.

Friends of Agua Fria National Monument

P.O. Box 290

Black Canyon City, AZ  85324

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Friends of Agua Fria National Monument

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